About Us
New England Naturals was founded in 2017 by Riley and Jake. Their complementary backgrounds in nature's biology and nature's chemistry led them to start a natural product company focused on medicinal teas and tinctures harvested from the forests of Northern New England.
In 2019 they purchased a fur sewing machine to create garments out of the fur that they harvest. Increased demand led to New England Naturals expanding to begin offering custom fur pieces for both utility and fashion.
Availability of custom fur orders is seasonal. While availability of custom fur orders is seasonal, some of our staple products like beaver beverage holders and chaga tincture are available year round in our shop. Please reach out to our contact form for inquires and current availability of products.
Both Jake and Riley are passionate educators in their respective fields and aim to share their knowledge and experience with sustainable foraging, trapping, hunting, and wild game preparation.
Thank you for visiting our site, and please reach out with any questions.
-Riley and Jake
Always on an adventure